CBSE Circular - Change in Limitation Period of cases pertaining to correction in Name

Smart Android And Trik-Commenting on Andorid indeed never endless, because smart devices this one is often updated every certain amount of time. So that the market can always be garapnya menerinya with pleasure. And it is not denied if this device has become the lifestyle of each society. To not wonder if the 6th business information and many are turning to mobail smartphone. With Android which thoroughly dominated the mobile industry, choosing the best Android smartphone is almost identical to choose the best smartphone, period. But while Android phones have few real opponents on other platforms, internal competition is intense.

From the sleek devices impress with the design premium, up to a full plant furniture features, to a very good device, and affordable mobile phone has a heavy weight, the Android ecosystem inhabited by a diverse range of attractive mobile phone CBSE Circular - Change in Limitation Period of cases pertaining to correction in Name CBSE Circular - Change in Limitation Period of cases pertaining to correction in Name,But "oversize" are subjective, and sometimes pieces of the specification and a list of features is not enough to get an idea of how good a phone. In this roundup, we look at the absolute best-the Android phone you can't go wrong with. The habits of young people or to accentuate trand blindly lifestyle, make this a medoroang this clever device industry vying to do modifications to the device, with a distinctly vitur vitur-tercanggihnya. So it can be received over the counter CBSE Circular - Change in Limitation Period of cases pertaining to correction in Name

No. CBSE/Coord/AS(C)/112576 Dated: 10.11.2017


Subject: Change in Limitation Period of cases pertaining to correction in Name (C/N, M/N, F/N) / Date of Birth from one to five year.

This is in partial modification of No. CBSE/COORD/EC-31-03/2015 Dated
25.06.2015  wherein  it  was  mentioned  that  correction  in  date  of  birth  and correction in candidate, mother and father name shall be entertained by the Board only within one year of the date of declaration of result.

Limitation of cases of correction in Candidate, Mother and Father Name/ correction

in date of birth has been revised. Revised time limit will be 5 years from date of declaration of result and it will be applicable to all cases after Class X/XII 2015 examination onwards.

Revised limitation period shall also be applicable to current ongoing cases
already received in ROs/HQ, pending in various courts as well as received now


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