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Today, Instagram announced a new update coming to Instagram users. The update gets rid of some of the icons on profiles and replaces them with literal text. Rather than icons for each tab, they are now properly labeled with text, which should make them much clearer to those users who might not know what the tab icons mean.
Over the next several weeks, you may see features re-arranged at the top of your profile including changes to icons, buttons, and the way you navigate between tabs, which we hope will make profiles easier and cleaner to use.Instagram is aiming to make its app easier and clearer to navigate for its users. The new design shifts around the appearance of profiles. The profile icon is now on the right and follower count is no longer at the very top. Otherwise, Instagram is phasing out the post count from the profile view. The description is also placed directly to the left of the profile icon.
A profile’s follower view is also different now. Rather than show your mutuals at the top of a profile’s followers list, there’s now a dedicated tab for mutual friends, all other followers, and a list of accounts followed by that profile.
We’ve been working on these changes and will test them in phases and different combinations with our community over the next several weeks. We’ll continue to experiment and update the experience as we learn from your feedback
Instagram hasn’t settled on a final redesign. It is still testing the layout and will keep shifting things around as it sees fit. Some users are already seeing the new layout taking effect on their end. Are you one of these users?
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